Brittany Duggan

Brittany Duggan completed her B.Sc in Kinesiology at McMaster University and her PhD in the McMaster Medical Sciences program as a member of Dr. Schertzer’s Lab who examined how various xenobiotic and microbial impactors of NOD/RIPK2 signalling regulate blood glucose homeostasis. She continued this work a post-doctoral fellow in the Schertzer Lab, investigating how IRF4, a critical node in the NOD2 signalling pathway, regulates glycemic and inflammatory responses to post-biotics and intermittent fasting. In her spare time, Brittany is passionate about promoting gender equity in STEM and living a healthy lifestyle. She is currently enrolled in medical school at the University of Toronto. Outside of the lab, Brittany loves experimenting in the kitchen and enjoys yoga, running, cycling, and gardening.

Social Media Account

Twitter: @brittanymduggan