Recent Publications

  • Metformin-induced reductions in tumor growth involves modulation of the gut microbiome. Authors:Broadfield LA, Saigal A, Szamosi JC, Hammill JA, Bezverbnaya K, Wang D, Gautam J, Tsakiridis E, Di Pastena F, McNicol J, Wu J, Syed S, Lally JSV, Raphenya AR, Blouin MJ, Pollak M, Sacconi A, Blandino G, McArthur AG, Schertzer JD, Surette M, Collins SM, Bramson JL, Muti P, Tsakiridis T, Steinberg GR, Molecular metabolism (2022) Pubmed Link
  • Life-long exercise training and inherited aerobic endurance capacity produce converging gut microbiome signatures in rodents. Authors:Anhê FF, Zlitni S, Barra NG, Foley KP, Nilsson MI, Nederveen JP, Koch LG, Britton SL, Tarnopolsky MA, Schertzer JD volume: 10, issue: 5, Physiological reports (2022) Pubmed Link
  • Insulin resistance corresponds with a progressive increase in NOD1 in high fat diet-fed mice. Authors:Sharma A, Singh S, Mishra A, Rai AK, Ahmad I, Ahmad S, Gulzar F, Schertzer JD, Shrivastava A, Tamrakar AK, Endocrine (2022) Pubmed Link
  • Determining the metabolic impact of postbiotics in mice. Authors:Anhê FF, Bhatwa A, Schertzer JD volume: 3, issue: 1, STAR protocols (2022) Pubmed Link
  • Exploration of BAY 11-7082 as a Potential Antibiotic. Authors:Coles VE, Darveau P, Zhang X, Harvey H, Henriksbo BD, Yang A, Schertzer JD, Magolan J, Burrows LL volume: 8, issue: 1, ACS infectious diseases (2022) Pubmed Link
  • Gut microbiota-based vaccination engages innate immunity to improve blood glucose control in obese mice. Authors:Duggan BM, Tamrakar AK, Barra NG, Anhê FF, Paniccia G, Wallace JG, Stacey HD, Surette MG, Miller MS, Sloboda DM, Schertzer JD volume: 55, Molecular metabolism (2022) Pubmed Link
  • Lower brown adipose tissue activity is associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease but not changes in the gut microbiota. Authors:Ahmed BA, Ong FJ, Barra NG, Blondin DP, Gunn E, Oreskovich SM, Szamosi JC, Syed SA, Hutchings EK, Konyer NB, Singh NP, Yabut JM, Desjardins EM, Anhê FF, Foley KP, Holloway AC, Noseworthy MD, Haman F, Carpentier AC, Surette MG, Schertzer JD, Punthakee Z, Steinberg GR, Morrison KM volume: 2, issue: 9, Cell reports. Medicine (2021) Pubmed Link
  • Metabolic endotoxemia is dictated by the type of lipopolysaccharide. Authors:Anhê FF, Barra NG, Cavallari JF, Henriksbo BD, Schertzer JD volume: 36, issue: 11, Cell reports (2021) Pubmed Link
  • Low dietary fiber promotes enteric expansion of a Crohn's disease-associated pathobiont independent of obesity. Authors:Lau TC, Fiebig-Comyn AA, Shaler CR, McPhee JB, Coombes BK, Schertzer JD volume: 321, issue: 3, American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism (2021) Pubmed Link
  • Adipose Tissue Inflammation Is Directly Linked to Obesity-Induced Insulin Resistance, while Gut Dysbiosis and Mitochondrial Dysfunction Are Not Required. Authors:Petrick HL, Foley KP, Zlitni S, Brunetta HS, Paglialunga S, Miotto PM, Politis-Barber V, O'Dwyer C, Philbrick DJ, Fullerton MD, Schertzer JD, Holloway GP volume: 1, issue: 2, Function (Oxford, England) (2020) Pubmed Link
  • Micronutrients impact the gut microbiota and blood glucose. Authors:Barra NG, Anhê FF, Cavallari JF, Singh AM, Chan DY, Schertzer JD volume: 250, issue: 2, The Journal of endocrinology (2021) Pubmed Link
  • Iron Reshapes the Gut Microbiome and Host Metabolism. Authors:Botta A, Barra NG, Lam NH, Chow S, Pantopoulos K, Schertzer JD, Sweeney G volume: 10, issue: 2, Journal of lipid and atherosclerosis (2021) Pubmed Link
  • Bacterial Postbiotics as Promising Tools to Mitigate Cardiometabolic Diseases. Authors:Anhê FF, Jensen BAH, Perazza LR, Tchernof A, Schertzer JD, Marette A volume: 10, issue: 2, Journal of lipid and atherosclerosis (2021) Pubmed Link
  • Effects of Obesity-Associated Chronic Inflammation on Peripheral Blood Immunophenotype Are Not Mediated by TNF in Female C57BL/6J Mice. Authors:Breznik JA, Foley KP, Maddiboina D, Schertzer JD, Sloboda DM, Bowdish DME volume: 5, issue: 6, ImmunoHorizons (2021) Pubmed Link
  • Metabolic flexibility determines human NK cell functional fate in the tumor microenvironment. Authors:Poznanski SM, Singh K, Ritchie TM, Aguiar JA, Fan IY, Portillo AL, Rojas EA, Vahedi F, El-Sayes A, Xing S, Butcher M, Lu Y, Doxey AC, Schertzer JD, Hirte HW, Ashkar AA volume: 33, issue: 6, Cell metabolism (2021) Pubmed Link
  • Inflammation promotes adipocyte lipolysis via IRE1 kinase. Authors:Foley KP, Chen Y, Barra NG, Heal M, Kwok K, Tamrakar AK, Chi W, Duggan BM, Henriksbo BD, Liu Y, Schertzer JD volume: 296, The Journal of biological chemistry (2021) Pubmed Link
  • Peripheral and central regulation of insulin by the intestine and microbiome. Authors:Schertzer JD, Lam TKT volume: 320, issue: 2, American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism (2021) Pubmed Link
  • NOD1 activation induces oxidative stress via NOX1/4 in adipocytes. Authors:Sharma A, Singh S, Ahmad S, Gulzar F, Schertzer JD, Tamrakar AK volume: 162, Free radical biology & medicine (2021) Pubmed Link
  • Gut microbiota impairs insulin clearance in obese mice. Authors:Foley KP, Zlitni S, Duggan BM, Barra NG, Anhê FF, Cavallari JF, Henriksbo BD, Chen CY, Huang M, Lau TC, Plante R, Schwab M, Marette A, Schertzer JD volume: 42, Molecular metabolism (2020) Pubmed Link
  • Type 2 diabetes influences bacterial tissue compartmentalisation in human obesity. Authors:Anhê FF, Jensen BAH, Varin TV, Servant F, Van Blerk S, Richard D, Marceau S, Surette M, Biertho L, Lelouvier B, Schertzer JD, Tchernof A, Marette A volume: 2, issue: 3, Nature metabolism (2020) Pubmed Link
  • NOD2 in hepatocytes engages a liver-gut axis to protect against steatosis, fibrosis, and gut dysbiosis during fatty liver disease in mice. Authors:Cavallari JF, Pokrajac NT, Zlitni S, Foley KP, Henriksbo BD, Schertzer JD volume: 319, issue: 2, American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism (2020) Pubmed Link
  • The SGLT2 inhibitor canagliflozin suppresses lipid synthesis and interleukin-1 beta in ApoE deficient mice. Authors:Day EA, Ford RJ, Lu JH, Lu R, Lundenberg L, Desjardins EM, Green AE, Lally JSV, Schertzer JD, Steinberg GR volume: 477, issue: 12, The Biochemical journal (2020) Pubmed Link
  • Chronically Elevating Circulating Ketones Can Reduce Cardiac Inflammation and Blunt the Development of Heart Failure. Authors:Byrne NJ, Soni S, Takahara S, Ferdaoussi M, Al Batran R, Darwesh AM, Levasseur JL, Beker D, Vos DY, Schmidt MA, Alam AS, Maayah ZH, Schertzer JD, Seubert JM, Ussher JR, Dyck JRB volume: 13, issue: 6, Circulation. Heart failure (2020) Pubmed Link
  • RIPK2 Dictates Insulin Responses to Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Obese Male Mice. Authors:Duggan BM, Cavallari JF, Foley KP, Barra NG, Schertzer JD volume: 161, issue: 8, Endocrinology (2020) Pubmed Link
  • Statins activate the NLRP3 inflammasome and impair insulin signaling via p38 and mTOR. Authors:Henriksbo BD, Tamrakar AK, Phulka JS, Barra NG, Schertzer JD volume: 319, issue: 1, American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism (2020) Pubmed Link
  • The NLRP3 inflammasome regulates adipose tissue metabolism. Authors:Barra NG, Henriksbo BD, Anhê FF, Schertzer JD volume: 477, issue: 6, The Biochemical journal (2020) Pubmed Link
  • Postbiotics for NOD2 require nonhematopoietic RIPK2 to improve blood glucose and metabolic inflammation in mice. Authors:Cavallari JF, Barra NG, Foley KP, Lee A, Duggan BM, Henriksbo BD, Anhê FF, Ashkar AA, Schertzer JD volume: 318, issue: 4, American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism (2020) Pubmed Link
  • Development of the Microbiota and Associations With Birth Mode, Diet, and Atopic Disorders in a Longitudinal Analysis of Stool Samples, Collected From Infancy Through Early Childhood. Authors:Galazzo G, van Best N, Bervoets L, Dapaah IO, Savelkoul PH, Hornef MW, GI-MDH consortium., Lau S, Hamelmann E, Penders J volume: 158, issue: 6, Gastroenterology (2020) Pubmed Link
  • Glucose alters the symbiotic relationships between gut microbiota and host physiology. Authors:Anhê FF, Barra NG, Schertzer JD volume: 318, issue: 2, American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism (2020) Pubmed Link
  • Bacteria transmit metformin-associated lifespan extension. Authors:MacNeil LT, Schertzer JD, Steinberg GR volume: 16, issue: 1, Nature reviews. Endocrinology (2020) Pubmed Link
  • Bacteria to alleviate metabolic syndrome. Authors:Anhê FF, Schertzer JD, Marette A volume: 25, issue: 7, Nature medicine (2019) Pubmed Link
  • Host-Microbe Interplay in the Cardiometabolic Benefits of Dietary Polyphenols. Authors:Anhê FF, Choi BSY, Dyck JRB, Schertzer JD, Marette A volume: 30, issue: 6, Trends in endocrinology and metabolism: TEM (2019) Pubmed Link
  • Statins Promote Interleukin-1β-Dependent Adipocyte Insulin Resistance Through Lower Prenylation, Not Cholesterol. Authors:Henriksbo BD, Tamrakar AK, Xu J, Duggan BM, Cavallari JF, Phulka J, Stampfli MR, Ashkar AA, Schertzer JD volume: 68, issue: 7, Diabetes (2019) Pubmed Link
  • Immunometabolism Sentinels: Gut Surface T-Cells Regulate GLP-1 Availability. Authors:Barra NG, Anhê FF, Schertzer JD volume: 160, issue: 5, Endocrinology (2019) Pubmed Link
  • TNF, but not hyperinsulinemia or hyperglycemia, is a key driver of obesity-induced monocytosis revealing that inflammatory monocytes correlate with insulin in obese male mice. Authors:Breznik JA, Naidoo A, Foley KP, Schulz C, Lau TC, Loukov D, Sloboda DM, Bowdish DME, Schertzer JD volume: 6, issue: 23, Physiological reports (2018) Pubmed Link
  • Targeting macrophage scavenger receptor 1 promotes insulin resistance in obese male mice. Authors:Cavallari JF, Anhê FF, Foley KP, Denou E, Chan RW, Bowdish DME, Schertzer JD volume: 6, issue: 22, Physiological reports (2018) Pubmed Link
  • Induction of Autonomous Memory Alveolar Macrophages Requires T Cell Help and Is Critical to Trained Immunity. Authors:Yao Y, Jeyanathan M, Haddadi S, Barra NG, Vaseghi-Shanjani M, Damjanovic D, Lai R, Afkhami S, Chen Y, Dvorkin-Gheva A, Robbins CS, Schertzer JD, Xing Z volume: 175, issue: 6, Cell (2018) Pubmed Link
  • Long term but not short term exposure to obesity related microbiota promotes host insulin resistance. Authors:Foley KP, Zlitni S, Denou E, Duggan BM, Chan RW, Stearns JC, Schertzer JD volume: 9, issue: 1, Nature communications (2018) Pubmed Link
  • Nod1-mediated lipolysis promotes diacylglycerol accumulation and successive inflammation via PKCδ-IRAK axis in adipocytes. Authors:Sharma A, Maurya CK, Arha D, Rai AK, Singh S, Varshney S, Schertzer JD, Tamrakar AK volume: 1865, issue: 1, Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular basis of disease (2019) Pubmed Link
  • Immunometabolism of T cells and NK cells: metabolic control of effector and regulatory function. Authors:Poznanski SM, Barra NG, Ashkar AA, Schertzer JD volume: 67, issue: 10, Inflammation research : official journal of the European Histamine Research Society ... [et al.] (2018) Pubmed Link
  • Fecal transplant from resveratrol-fed donors improves glycaemia and cardiovascular features of the metabolic syndrome in mice. Authors:Kim TT, Parajuli N, Sung MM, Bairwa SC, Levasseur J, Soltys CM, Wishart DS, Madsen K, Schertzer JD, Dyck JRB volume: 315, issue: 4, American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism (2018) Pubmed Link
  • Age-Associated Microbial Dysbiosis Promotes Intestinal Permeability, Systemic Inflammation, and Macrophage Dysfunction. Authors:Thevaranjan N, Puchta A, Schulz C, Naidoo A, Szamosi JC, Verschoor CP, Loukov D, Schenck LP, Jury J, Foley KP, Schertzer JD, Larché MJ, Davidson DJ, Verdú EF, Surette MG, Bowdish DME volume: 23, issue: 4, Cell host & microbe (2018) Pubmed Link
  • Statin Therapy Negatively Impacts Skeletal Muscle Regeneration and Cutaneous Wound Repair in Type 1 Diabetic Mice. Authors:Rebalka IA, Cao AW, Raleigh MJ, Henriksbo BD, Coleman SK, Schertzer JD, Hawke TJ volume: 8, Frontiers in physiology (2017) Pubmed Link
  • Intrapartum antibiotics for GBS prophylaxis alter colonization patterns in the early infant gut microbiome of low risk infants. Authors:Stearns JC, Simioni J, Gunn E, McDonald H, Holloway AC, Thabane L, Mousseau A, Schertzer JD, Ratcliffe EM, Rossi L, Surette MG, Morrison KM, Hutton EK volume: 7, issue: 1, Scientific reports (2017) Pubmed Link
  • Intestinal Microbiota Contributes to Energy Balance, Metabolic Inflammation, and Insulin Resistance in Obesity. Authors:Cavallari JF, Schertzer JD volume: 26, issue: 3, Journal of obesity & metabolic syndrome (2017) Pubmed Link
  • The Gut Microbiota as a Mediator of Metabolic Benefits after Bariatric Surgery. Authors:Anhê FF, Varin TV, Schertzer JD, Marette A volume: 41, issue: 4, Canadian journal of diabetes (2017) Pubmed Link
  • The NLRP3 inflammasome contributes to sarcopenia and lower muscle glycolytic potential in old mice. Authors:McBride MJ, Foley KP, D'Souza DM, Li YE, Lau TC, Hawke TJ, Schertzer JD volume: 313, issue: 2, American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism (2017) Pubmed Link
  • Tyrosine kinase inhibitors of Ripk2 attenuate bacterial cell wall-mediated lipolysis, inflammation and dysglycemia. Authors:Duggan BM, Foley KP, Henriksbo BD, Cavallari JF, Tamrakar AK, Schertzer JD volume: 7, issue: 1, Scientific reports (2017) Pubmed Link
  • Muramyl Dipeptide-Based Postbiotics Mitigate Obesity-Induced Insulin Resistance via IRF4. Authors:Cavallari JF, Fullerton MD, Duggan BM, Foley KP, Denou E, Smith BK, Desjardins EM, Henriksbo BD, Kim KJ, Tuinema BR, Stearns JC, Prescott D, Rosenstiel P, Coombes BK, Steinberg GR, Schertzer JD volume: 25, issue: 5, Cell metabolism (2017) Pubmed Link
  • Age-Associated Microbial Dysbiosis Promotes Intestinal Permeability, Systemic Inflammation, and Macrophage Dysfunction. Authors:Thevaranjan N, Puchta A, Schulz C, Naidoo A, Szamosi JC, Verschoor CP, Loukov D, Schenck LP, Jury J, Foley KP, Schertzer JD, Larché MJ, Davidson DJ, Verdú EF, Surette MG, Bowdish DME volume: 21, issue: 4, Cell host & microbe (2017) Pubmed Link
  • Resveratrol improves exercise performance and skeletal muscle oxidative capacity in heart failure. Authors:Sung MM, Byrne NJ, Robertson IM, Kim TT, Samokhvalov V, Levasseur J, Soltys CL, Fung D, Tyreman N, Denou E, Jones KE, Seubert JM, Schertzer JD, Dyck JR volume: 312, issue: 4, American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology (2017) Pubmed Link
  • Improved Glucose Homeostasis in Obese Mice Treated With Resveratrol Is Associated With Alterations in the Gut Microbiome. Authors:Sung MM, Kim TT, Denou E, Soltys CM, Hamza SM, Byrne NJ, Masson G, Park H, Wishart DS, Madsen KL, Schertzer JD, Dyck JR volume: 66, issue: 2, Diabetes (2017) Pubmed Link
  • A comparison of intestinal microbiota in a population of low-risk infants exposed and not exposed to intrapartum antibiotics: The Baby & Microbiota of the Intestine cohort study protocol. Authors:Simioni J, Hutton EK, Gunn E, Holloway AC, Stearns JC, McDonald H, Mousseau A, Schertzer JD, Ratcliffe EM, Thabane L, Surette MG, Morrison KM volume: 16, issue: 1, BMC pediatrics (2016) Pubmed Link
  • Statin Therapy Alters Lipid Storage in Diabetic Skeletal Muscle. Authors:Rebalka IA, Raleigh MJ, Snook LA, Rebalka AN, MacPherson RE, Wright DC, Schertzer JD, Hawke TJ volume: 7, Frontiers in endocrinology (2016) Pubmed Link
  • High-intensity exercise training increases the diversity and metabolic capacity of the mouse distal gut microbiota during diet-induced obesity. Authors:Denou E, Marcinko K, Surette MG, Steinberg GR, Schertzer JD volume: 310, issue: 11, American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism (2016) Pubmed Link
  • Different Th17 immunity in gut, liver, and adipose tissues during obesity: the role of diet, genetics, and microbes. Authors:Cavallari JF, Denou E, Foley KP, Khan WI, Schertzer JD volume: 7, issue: 1, Gut microbes (2016) Pubmed Link
  • New Role of Nod Proteins in Regulation of Intestinal Goblet Cell Response in the Context of Innate Host Defense in an Enteric Parasite Infection. Authors:Wang H, Kim JJ, Denou E, Gallagher A, Thornton DJ, Shajib MS, Xia L, Schertzer JD, Grencis RK, Philpott DJ, Khan WI volume: 84, issue: 1, Infection and immunity (2016) Pubmed Link
  • Immunometabolism of obesity and diabetes: microbiota link compartmentalized immunity in the gut to metabolic tissue inflammation. Authors:McPhee JB, Schertzer JD volume: 129, issue: 12, Clinical science (London, England : 1979) (2015) Pubmed Link
  • Is immunity a mechanism contributing to statin-induced diabetes? Authors:Henriksbo BD, Schertzer JD volume: 4, issue: 4, Adipocyte (2015) Pubmed Link
  • Pregnancy-related changes in the maternal gut microbiota are dependent upon the mother's periconceptional diet. Authors:Gohir W, Whelan FJ, Surette MG, Moore C, Schertzer JD, Sloboda DM volume: 6, issue: 5, Gut microbes (2015) Pubmed Link
  • AMPK activation of muscle autophagy prevents fasting-induced hypoglycemia and myopathy during aging. Authors:Bujak AL, Crane JD, Lally JS, Ford RJ, Kang SJ, Rebalka IA, Green AE, Kemp BE, Hawke TJ, Schertzer JD, Steinberg GR volume: 21, issue: 6, Cell metabolism (2015) Pubmed Link
  • Salicylate improves macrophage cholesterol homeostasis via activation of Ampk. Authors:Fullerton MD, Ford RJ, McGregor CP, LeBlond ND, Snider SA, Stypa SA, Day EA, Lhoták Š, Schertzer JD, Austin RC, Kemp BE, Steinberg GR volume: 56, issue: 5, Journal of lipid research (2015) Pubmed Link
  • Defective NOD2 peptidoglycan sensing promotes diet-induced inflammation, dysbiosis, and insulin resistance. Authors:Denou E, Lolmède K, Garidou L, Pomie C, Chabo C, Lau TC, Fullerton MD, Nigro G, Zakaroff-Girard A, Luche E, Garret C, Serino M, Amar J, Courtney M, Cavallari JF, Henriksbo BD, Barra NG, Foley KP, McPhee JB, Duggan BM, O'Neill HM, Lee AJ, Sansonetti P, Ashkar AA, Khan WI, Surette MG, Bouloumié A, Steinberg GR, Burcelin R, Schertzer JD volume: 7, issue: 3, EMBO molecular medicine (2015) Pubmed Link
  • Inhibiting peripheral serotonin synthesis reduces obesity and metabolic dysfunction by promoting brown adipose tissue thermogenesis. Authors:Crane JD, Palanivel R, Mottillo EP, Bujak AL, Wang H, Ford RJ, Collins A, Blümer RM, Fullerton MD, Yabut JM, Kim JJ, Ghia JE, Hamza SM, Morrison KM, Schertzer JD, Dyck JR, Khan WI, Steinberg GR volume: 21, issue: 2, Nature medicine (2015) Pubmed Link
  • Fluvastatin causes NLRP3 inflammasome-mediated adipose insulin resistance. Authors:Henriksbo BD, Lau TC, Cavallari JF, Denou E, Chi W, Lally JS, Crane JD, Duggan BM, Foley KP, Fullerton MD, Tarnopolsky MA, Steinberg GR, Schertzer JD volume: 63, issue: 11, Diabetes (2014) Pubmed Link
  • Bacterial peptidoglycan stimulates adipocyte lipolysis via NOD1. Authors:Chi W, Dao D, Lau TC, Henriksbo BD, Cavallari JF, Foley KP, Schertzer JD volume: 9, issue: 5, PloS one (2014) Pubmed Link
  • AMPK promotes macrophage fatty acid oxidative metabolism to mitigate inflammation: implications for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Authors:Steinberg GR, Schertzer JD volume: 92, issue: 4, Immunology and cell biology (2014) Pubmed Link
  • Immunometabolism: the interface of immune and metabolic responses in disease. Authors:Schertzer JD, Steinberg GR volume: 92, issue: 4, Immunology and cell biology (2014) Pubmed Link
  • Single phosphorylation sites in Acc1 and Acc2 regulate lipid homeostasis and the insulin-sensitizing effects of metformin. Authors:Fullerton MD, Galic S, Marcinko K, Sikkema S, Pulinilkunnil T, Chen ZP, O'Neill HM, Ford RJ, Palanivel R, O'Brien M, Hardie DG, Macaulay SL, Schertzer JD, Dyck JR, van Denderen BJ, Kemp BE, Steinberg GR volume: 19, issue: 12, Nature medicine (2013) Pubmed Link
  • IL-6 is not essential for exercise-induced increases in glucose uptake. Authors:O'Neill HM, Palanivel R, Wright DC, MacDonald T, Lally JS, Schertzer JD, Steinberg GR volume: 114, issue: 9, Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) (2013) Pubmed Link
  • Deletion of skeletal muscle SOCS3 prevents insulin resistance in obesity. Authors:Jorgensen SB, O'Neill HM, Sylow L, Honeyman J, Hewitt KA, Palanivel R, Fullerton MD, Öberg L, Balendran A, Galic S, van der Poel C, Trounce IA, Lynch GS, Schertzer JD, Steinberg GR volume: 62, issue: 1, Diabetes (2013) Pubmed Link
  • The ancient drug salicylate directly activates AMP-activated protein kinase. Authors:Hawley SA, Fullerton MD, Ross FA, Schertzer JD, Chevtzoff C, Walker KJ, Peggie MW, Zibrova D, Green KA, Mustard KJ, Kemp BE, Sakamoto K, Steinberg GR, Hardie DG volume: 336, issue: 6083, Science (New York, N.Y.) (2012) Pubmed Link
  • Hsp72 preserves muscle function and slows progression of severe muscular dystrophy. Authors:Gehrig SM, van der Poel C, Sayer TA, Schertzer JD, Henstridge DC, Church JE, Lamon S, Russell AP, Davies KE, Febbraio MA, Lynch GS volume: 484, issue: 7394, Nature (2012) Pubmed Link
  • Muscle cellular properties in the ice hockey player: a model for investigating overtraining? Authors:Green HJ, Batada A, Cole B, Burnett ME, Kollias H, McKay S, Roy B, Schertzer JD, Smith IC, Tupling S volume: 90, issue: 5, Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology (2012) Pubmed Link
  • Immunometabolism of AMPK in insulin resistance and atherosclerosis. Authors:Fullerton MD, Steinberg GR, Schertzer JD volume: 366, issue: 2, Molecular and cellular endocrinology (2013) Pubmed Link
  • Ageing prolongs inflammatory marker expression in regenerating rat skeletal muscles after injury. Authors:van der Poel C, Gosselin LE, Schertzer JD, Ryall JG, Swiderski K, Wondemaghen M, Lynch GS volume: 8, issue: 1, Journal of inflammation (London, England) (2011) Pubmed Link
  • Hematopoietic AMPK β1 reduces mouse adipose tissue macrophage inflammation and insulin resistance in obesity. Authors:Galic S, Fullerton MD, Schertzer JD, Sikkema S, Marcinko K, Walkley CR, Izon D, Honeyman J, Chen ZP, van Denderen BJ, Kemp BE, Steinberg GR volume: 121, issue: 12, The Journal of clinical investigation (2011) Pubmed Link
  • AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) beta1beta2 muscle null mice reveal an essential role for AMPK in maintaining mitochondrial content and glucose uptake during exercise. Authors:O'Neill HM, Maarbjerg SJ, Crane JD, Jeppesen J, Jørgensen SB, Schertzer JD, Shyroka O, Kiens B, van Denderen BJ, Tarnopolsky MA, Kemp BE, Richter EA, Steinberg GR volume: 108, issue: 38, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2011) Pubmed Link
  • Give a NOD to insulin resistance. Authors:Schertzer JD, Klip A volume: 301, issue: 4, American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism (2011) Pubmed Link
  • NOD1 activators link innate immunity to insulin resistance. Authors:Schertzer JD, Tamrakar AK, Magalhães JG, Pereira S, Bilan PJ, Fullerton MD, Liu Z, Steinberg GR, Giacca A, Philpott DJ, Klip A volume: 60, issue: 9, Diabetes (2011) Pubmed Link
  • NOD2 activation induces muscle cell-autonomous innate immune responses and insulin resistance. Authors:Tamrakar AK, Schertzer JD, Chiu TT, Foley KP, Bilan PJ, Philpott DJ, Klip A volume: 151, issue: 12, Endocrinology (2010) Pubmed Link
  • Whole body deletion of AMP-activated protein kinase {beta}2 reduces muscle AMPK activity and exercise capacity. Authors:Steinberg GR, O'Neill HM, Dzamko NL, Galic S, Naim T, Koopman R, Jørgensen SB, Honeyman J, Hewitt K, Chen ZP, Schertzer JD, Scott JW, Koentgen F, Lynch GS, Watt MJ, van Denderen BJ, Campbell DJ, Kemp BE volume: 285, issue: 48, The Journal of biological chemistry (2010) Pubmed Link
  • PKCε regulates contraction-stimulated GLUT4 traffic in skeletal muscle cells. Authors:Niu W, Bilan PJ, Yu J, Gao J, Boguslavsky S, Schertzer JD, Chu G, Yao Z, Klip A volume: 226, issue: 1, Journal of cellular physiology (2011) Pubmed Link
  • Measuring GLUT4 translocation in mature muscle fibers. Authors:Lauritzen HP, Schertzer JD volume: 299, issue: 2, American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism (2010) Pubmed Link
  • Contraction-related stimuli regulate GLUT4 traffic in C2C12-GLUT4myc skeletal muscle cells. Authors:Niu W, Bilan PJ, Ishikura S, Schertzer JD, Contreras-Ferrat A, Fu Z, Liu J, Boguslavsky S, Foley KP, Liu Z, Li J, Chu G, Panakkezhum T, Lopaschuk GD, Lavandero S, Yao Z, Klip A volume: 298, issue: 5, American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism (2010) Pubmed Link
  • Direct and macrophage-mediated actions of fatty acids causing insulin resistance in muscle cells. Authors:Bilan PJ, Samokhvalov V, Koshkina A, Schertzer JD, Samaan MC, Klip A volume: 115, issue: 4, Archives of physiology and biochemistry (2009) Pubmed Link
  • Brought in by force: AMPK, TBC1D1, and contraction-stimulated glucose transport in skeletal muscle. Authors:Bilan PJ, Schertzer JD volume: 296, issue: 5, American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism (2009) Pubmed Link
  • Regulation of glucose transporter 4 traffic by energy deprivation from mitochondrial compromise. Authors:Klip A, Schertzer JD, Bilan PJ, Thong F, Antonescu C volume: 196, issue: 1, Acta physiologica (Oxford, England) (2009) Pubmed Link
  • Heritable pathologic cardiac hypertrophy in adulthood is preceded by neonatal cardiac growth restriction. Authors:Porrello ER, Bell JR, Schertzer JD, Curl CL, McMullen JR, Mellor KM, Ritchie RH, Lynch GS, Harrap SB, Thomas WG, Delbridge LM volume: 296, issue: 3, American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology (2009) Pubmed Link
  • A transgenic mouse model to study glucose transporter 4myc regulation in skeletal muscle. Authors:Schertzer JD, Antonescu CN, Bilan PJ, Jain S, Huang X, Liu Z, Bonen A, Klip A volume: 150, issue: 4, Endocrinology (2009) Pubmed Link
  • AMPK-independent pathways regulate skeletal muscle fatty acid oxidation. Authors:Dzamko N, Schertzer JD, Ryall JG, Steel R, Macaulay SL, Wee S, Chen ZP, Michell BJ, Oakhill JS, Watt MJ, Jørgensen SB, Lynch GS, Kemp BE, Steinberg GR volume: 586, issue: 23, The Journal of physiology (2008) Pubmed Link
  • Palmitate- and lipopolysaccharide-activated macrophages evoke contrasting insulin responses in muscle cells. Authors:Samokhvalov V, Bilan PJ, Schertzer JD, Antonescu CN, Klip A volume: 296, issue: 1, American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism (2009) Pubmed Link
  • Plasmid-based gene transfer in mouse skeletal muscle by electroporation. Authors:Schertzer JD, Lynch GS volume: 433, Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) (2008) Pubmed Link
  • Insulin-like growth factor-I analogue protects muscles of dystrophic mdx mice from contraction-mediated damage. Authors:Gehrig SM, Ryall JG, Schertzer JD, Lynch GS volume: 93, issue: 11, Experimental physiology (2008) Pubmed Link
  • Anabolic agents for improving muscle regeneration and function after injury. Authors:Lynch GS, Schertzer JD, Ryall JG volume: 35, issue: 7, Clinical and experimental pharmacology & physiology (2008) Pubmed Link
  • Intramuscular beta2-agonist administration enhances early regeneration and functional repair in rat skeletal muscle after myotoxic injury. Authors:Ryall JG, Schertzer JD, Alabakis TM, Gehrig SM, Plant DR, Lynch GS volume: 105, issue: 1, Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) (2008) Pubmed Link
  • Chronic beta2-adrenoceptor stimulation impairs cardiac relaxation via reduced SR Ca2+-ATPase protein and activity. Authors:Ryall JG, Schertzer JD, Murphy KT, Allen AM, Lynch GS volume: 294, issue: 6, American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology (2008) Pubmed Link
  • Cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying age-related skeletal muscle wasting and weakness. Authors:Ryall JG, Schertzer JD, Lynch GS volume: 9, issue: 4, Biogerontology (2008) Pubmed Link
  • Stimulation of calcineurin Aalpha activity attenuates muscle pathophysiology in mdx dystrophic mice. Authors:Stupka N, Schertzer JD, Bassel-Duby R, Olson EN, Lynch GS volume: 294, issue: 3, American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology (2008) Pubmed Link
  • AMP-activated protein kinase regulates GLUT4 transcription by phosphorylating histone deacetylase 5. Authors:McGee SL, van Denderen BJ, Howlett KF, Mollica J, Schertzer JD, Kemp BE, Hargreaves M volume: 57, issue: 4, Diabetes (2008) Pubmed Link
  • Muscle-specific overexpression of IGF-I improves E-C coupling in skeletal muscle fibers from dystrophic mdx mice. Authors:Schertzer JD, van der Poel C, Shavlakadze T, Grounds MD, Lynch GS volume: 294, issue: 1, American journal of physiology. Cell physiology (2008) Pubmed Link
  • Modulation of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I and IGF-binding protein interactions enhances skeletal muscle regeneration and ameliorates the dystrophic pathology in mdx mice. Authors:Schertzer JD, Gehrig SM, Ryall JG, Lynch GS volume: 171, issue: 4, The American journal of pathology (2007) Pubmed Link
  • Attenuation of age-related muscle wasting and weakness in rats after formoterol treatment: therapeutic implications for sarcopenia. Authors:Ryall JG, Schertzer JD, Lynch GS volume: 62, issue: 8, The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences (2007) Pubmed Link
  • Calcineurin-A alpha activation enhances the structure and function of regenerating muscles after myotoxic injury. Authors:Stupka N, Schertzer JD, Bassel-Duby R, Olson EN, Lynch GS volume: 293, issue: 2, American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology (2007) Pubmed Link
  • Therapeutic approaches for muscle wasting disorders. Authors:Lynch GS, Schertzer JD, Ryall JG volume: 113, issue: 3, Pharmacology & therapeutics (2007) Pubmed Link
  • Low dose formoterol administration improves muscle function in dystrophic mdx mice without increasing fatigue. Authors:Harcourt LJ, Schertzer JD, Ryall JG, Lynch GS volume: 17, issue: 1, Neuromuscular disorders : NMD (2007) Pubmed Link
  • Comparative evaluation of IGF-I gene transfer and IGF-I protein administration for enhancing skeletal muscle regeneration after injury. Authors:Schertzer JD, Lynch GS volume: 13, issue: 23, Gene therapy (2006) Pubmed Link
  • Activated calcineurin ameliorates contraction-induced injury to skeletal muscles of mdx dystrophic mice. Authors:Stupka N, Plant DR, Schertzer JD, Emerson TM, Bassel-Duby R, Olson EN, Lynch GS volume: 575, issue: Pt 2, The Journal of physiology (2006) Pubmed Link
  • Systemic administration of IGF-I enhances oxidative status and reduces contraction-induced injury in skeletal muscles of mdx dystrophic mice. Authors:Schertzer JD, Ryall JG, Lynch GS volume: 291, issue: 3, American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism (2006) Pubmed Link
  • Optimizing plasmid-based gene transfer for investigating skeletal muscle structure and function. Authors:Schertzer JD, Plant DR, Lynch GS volume: 13, issue: 4, Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy (2006) Pubmed Link
  • Muscle Na-K-pump and fatigue responses to progressive exercise in normoxia and hypoxia. Authors:Sandiford SD, Green HJ, Duhamel TA, Schertzer JD, Perco JD, Ouyang J volume: 289, issue: 2, American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology (2005) Pubmed Link
  • Interleukin-15 administration improves diaphragm muscle pathology and function in dystrophic mdx mice. Authors:Harcourt LJ, Holmes AG, Gregorevic P, Schertzer JD, Stupka N, Plant DR, Lynch GS volume: 166, issue: 4, The American journal of pathology (2005) Pubmed Link
  • Beta2-agonist administration increases sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase activity in aged rat skeletal muscle. Authors:Schertzer JD, Plant DR, Ryall JG, Beitzel F, Stupka N, Lynch GS volume: 288, issue: 3, American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism (2005) Pubmed Link
  • Effects of prolonged exercise and recovery on sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ cycling properties in rat muscle homogenates. Authors:Schertzer JD, Green HJ, Fowles JR, Duhamel TA, Tupling AR volume: 180, issue: 2, Acta physiologica Scandinavica (2004) Pubmed Link
  • Inactivation of human muscle Na+-K+-ATPase in vitro during prolonged exercise is increased with hypoxia. Authors:Sandiford SD, Green HJ, Duhamel TA, Perco JG, Schertzer JD, Ouyang J volume: 96, issue: 5, Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) (2004) Pubmed Link
  • Adaptations in human muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum to prolonged submaximal training. Authors:Green HJ, Ballantyne CS, MacDougall JD, Tarnopolsky MA, Schertzer JD volume: 94, issue: 5, Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) (2003) Pubmed Link
  • Mechanisms underlying increases in SR Ca2+-ATPase activity after exercise in rat skeletal muscle. Authors:Schertzer JD, Green HJ, Duhamel TA, Tupling AR volume: 284, issue: 3, American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism (2003) Pubmed Link
  • Reduced activity of muscle Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase after prolonged running in rats. Authors:Fowles JR, Green HJ, Schertzer JD, Tupling AR volume: 93, issue: 5, Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) (2002) Pubmed Link
  • Thermal instability of rat muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase function. Authors:Schertzer JD, Green HJ, Tupling AR volume: 283, issue: 4, American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism (2002) Pubmed Link