Kevin Foley

Kevin Foley completed his undergraduate and MSc in Kinesiology at the University of Waterloo where he was interested in muscle physiology and how excitation-contraction coupling was regulated by diet and exercise. He completed his PhD in 2014 at The University of Toronto where he studied the cell biology of glucose transporters in the lab of Dr. Amira Klip. His work focused on the intracellular sorting of glucose transporters and how this sorting was disrupted with insulin resistance. Kevin continued his training in the lab of Dr. Jonathan Schertzer where he studied interactions between the environment, gut microbiota, and innate immunity in directing host-microbe interactions during insulin resistance progression.  

Outside of the lab, Kevin’s enjoys hockey and outdoors activities by day and eating/Netflix by night. If you meet him two things are certain: he will deliver a bad pun and he will show you a picture of his cats.