Danny marko

Danny Marko completed his undergraduate degree in Medical Sciences at Brock University. Following the competition of that degree he pursued a Master of Science degree at Brock University under the supervision of Dr. Rebecca MacPherson. His Masters project investigated several exercise-induced factors and how these factors effect amyloid beta peptide production in the brain. Throughout his Masters Danny has been funded by OGS and NSERC scholarships. Currently, Danny is a PhD student in Dr. Jonathan Schertzer’s lab studying how gut bacteria, and the metabolites they produce, activate the immune system to engage in tissue crosstalk with metabolic tissues. He is also interested in how this signaling is altered during metabolic disease states and across the lifespan. Outside of the lab, Danny is an avid hiker and enjoys playing many sports, such as golf, hockey, basketball, soccer, baseball, and squash.

Social Media Accounts:

Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Daniel-Marko-4 

Twitter: @DanielMarko97