Fernando Forato-AnhE

In 2008, Fernando Forato Anhê obtained a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from the University of São Paulo in Brazil. He engaged in research programs in foundational sciences during his undergraduate training, which later led him to complete a Master of Science program in Physiology at the same institution. In 2012, Fernando moved to Québec City, Canada, where he pursued his training in Physiology-Endocrinology and obtained a PhD from Université Laval. In November 2017, Fernando joined Dr. Schertzer’ team at McMaster University as a postdoctoral trainee. Fernando was awarded postdoctoral fellowships from McMaster University’s Farncombe Institute and from Diabetes Canada, and he currently holds a Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) postdoctoral fellowship. Fernando’s research is focused on understanding critical determinants of immunometabolic homeostasis; particularly, he studies how gut microbial communities can bridge environmental triggers to healthy and disease states in the host. His work has been published in prestigious peer-reviewed journals, such as Nature Metabolism, Nature Medicine and Gut. As of 2022, he is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at Laval University. In addition to being a scientist, Fernando is a soccer fan (Palmeiras is his favorite club), an enthusiast of super spicy foods, an avid explorer of different cultures and cuisines, and a fan of rock music (classic, progressive, heavy metal…almost everything that is well-composed). He loves to spend time with his wife and his little daughter Jasmine doing all sorts of open-air activities, like picnicking and hiking. 

Social Media Accounts:


Twitter: @fernando_anhe